Your feedback

Our services make a huge difference to those who use them, but don’t just take our word for it; why not check out the feedback we receive and see how your support can benefit children and young people with Down Syndrome.

“Thank you DS Achieve for all the learning opportunities you've given us. It's been so great to learn from the experts like Maggie Woodhouse and Tracey Allen. I feel very privileged to have had access to these people! ”

“Course content was excellent and it came at the right time for us! Nice sized group for interaction. Room size and facilities both excellent.

“Keep doing what you are doing! The training was very insightful and educational.”

“Being in the company of other parents/carers of little ones with Down Syndrome is so important - not feeling judged or self-conscious that my child is ‘different’.”

“Excellent course, very useful. Thank you.”

“The first training session really enforced a lot of what I've learnt on other training and know from experience. The practicals were a great way to experience what the children are experiencing physically, mentally and emotionally in certain situations. The reading guide made a lots of sense and wish I'd started this a long time ago with my daughter.”

“At Young Achievers, I really value the chance for my child to socialise with other children with DS. And for me to have the opportunity to speak to other parents which is so useful in terms of school conversations, EHCPs or medical advice. Sharing lived experiences is so helpful.”

“The Young Achievers group is incredibly valuable to our daughter and to us, she’s met a peer group of other children with DS she would not otherwise have met which is really important as she enters teenage years (so that she can see others like her). She’s also learned a lot from the content eg she regularly refers to the Circles of Trust exercise which is invaluable to keeping her safe. Finally, she has great fun at the group which is so important - we cannot thank the leaders and DS Achieve enough for this unique and valuable provision.”

“The advice of the specialists at Little Achievers and other mums is invaluable.”

“English being my second language, Little Achievers meetings make me want to communicate more. And of course my child is very happy.”

“It means so much to me that my daughter’s abilities are celebrated.”

“DS Achieve is amazing. Such a fantastic team. We love our DS Achieve family and have made many friends through the charity. So lovely to have the opportunity to speak with parents who just understand.”

“Thank you all so much for your support. The last couple of years have been really hard on our family and it’s been a blessing to have had this group and the sessions available for my child to continue to thrive.”

“I’m just thankful for what is available. It’s beautifully run and I will be so sad for my son to outgrow the Little Achievers group.”