We are very grateful to St Albans District Council for awarding us a Community Grant which will go towards funding our Young Achievers programme for school age children and young people with Down Syndrome.

We’re pleased to announce we have received funding from The Hobson Charity.

This grant will go towards funding our Little Achievers programme for babies and children with Down Syndrome, aged 0 -5 and their families, until September 2025.

THANK YOU The Hobson Charity!

We would like to say a big thank you to Hertfordshire Community Foundation for the grant we have been awarded.

This grant will go towards funding our Little Achievers programme for babies and children with Down Syndrome, aged 0 -5 and their families, until September 2025.

Thank you to the Jeans for Genes charity for the small grant award that we received from them in April 2024.

We are very grateful for their support!


We'd like to say a huge thank you to the players of the People’s Postcode Lottery. Thanks to their support, we have received funding towards our core operating costs, including salaries, subscriptions and website hosting. This will cover these costs until the end of March 2025.

Whilst we work hard to keep our core costs low, we couldn’t deliver the many services we provide to families without our central team and infrastructure, and we are very grateful for the funding awarded by Postcode Places Trust and raised by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

We’re so pleased to announce we have received funding from Shanly Foundation for our Young Achievers programme.

Shanly Foundation aims to support causes that benefit the local community and is funded entirely by the Shanly Group of companies.

This funding award will go towards delivering our Young Achievers programme in the Autumn 2024 term.

We're delighted to have received three year grant funding from the Masonic Charitable Foundation.

The Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) is funded entirely through the generosity of Freemasons and their families, and is one of the largest grant-making charities in the country.

DS Achieve has received funding from the MCF to be put towards our core costs for the next 3 years, our core costs include DBS checks, uniforms, IT and insurance. Thank you MCF!

grumpy givers

In April 2024, we were delighted to receive another very generous donation from the group called Grumpy Givers. The Grumpy Givers have been supporting us since September 2021 and we are incredibly grateful for their support.

The group wishes to remain anonymous and we want to respect that. However, we wish to say a big THANK YOU to those involved for their generosity.

Thank you to The Albert Hunt Trust who have awarded us a grant.

tesco stronger starts

We are delighted to have received £1000 of grant funding from the Tesco Stronger Starts scheme. This grant will help to fund the DS Achieve Resources into Homes service until September 2024.

Our Resources into Homes service is for families with early years children with Down Syndrome who are not yet attending an education setting.  It involves direct training to parents from a specialist teacher on how to use a specialist resource to enable their child to achieve maximum progression with their learning at this early stage. The specialist  teacher will identify the next step in learning for the individual child and advise on which resource is most appropriate to help the child move forward with their development. 

Tesco has introduced a £5m grant programme, in partnership with Groundwork UK, to give children across the UK a stronger start in life.

We’re delighted that we can continue to empower parents and help children with Down Syndrome fulfil their potential via Resources into Homes. Thank you Tesco Stronger Starts!

Tesco logo
Stronger Starts logo

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