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Trustee News

We’re delighted to welcome Tina Guagenti-Birkin as the newest Trustee to join our Trustee team.

To find out more about Tina and the rest of our Trustees, check out our ‘About Us’ section: https://dsachieve.org/our-trustees.

As we welcome Tina, we'd also like to take a moment to say a big thank you to Anna Crispin. After two years as a Trustee, Anna is stepping down from her role, her expertise and knowledge of the education sector have been an invaluable asset to our team.

Welcome to the trustee team, Tina and thank you, Anna!

‘My Voice’ - Volunteering Opportunities for Young People

'My Voice' is a two-year project which provides opportunities for young people aged 14-24 years old to join the Hertfordshire Libraries youth volunteer network in libraries across the county.

We are delighted to let you know that we have delivered (and continue to deliver) specialist training via our DS Advisors to a large number of the library staff in Hertfordshire to enable them to support volunteers with Down Syndrome. The majority of Hertfordshire libraries are now ready and keen to support young people with volunteering opportunities with them.

We have two successful placements currently underway and would love to place some more young people into Hertfordshire libraries. This project provides valuable learning and development opportunities, including life skills and practical work experience.

To find out more and to enquire about a volunteering placement, visit our page For Young People.

Resources into Homes - Language & Reading this Autumn

Following on from the successful launch of the Resources into Homes service last term, we’re pleased let you know that the topic for this Autumn term is Language and Reading.

Resources into Homes offers:

  • an assessment of your child’s developmental stage in the topic based on information you provide

  • a recommendation for a specialist resource (which DS Achieve will buy for you if you are in receipt of income-related benefits)

  • direct training from a Specialist DS Teacher to parents on how to use the recommended resource to enable your child to achieve maximum progression with their learning in their Early Years

For more information and to apply for our Resources into Homes service, visit our page on services for Early Years children here: For Early Years children (0-5 years) — Empowering Families, Fulfilling Potential. (dsachieve.org)

We are looking for volunteers to help at Young Achievers

We are looking for volunteers for our Young Achievers programme, working directly with children and young people with Down Syndrome.

Young Achievers runs weekly on a Saturday afternoon, during term time only. You don’t need to be there every week - just let us know what works for you.

No experience required - just enthusiasm and enjoyment from working with children.

Training and support will be given. Volunteers need to be 16 or over.

We are delighted to have received £1000 of grant funding from the Tesco Stronger Starts scheme

This grant will help to fund the DS Achieve Resources into Homes service until September 2024.

Our Resources into Homes service is for families with early years children with Down Syndrome who are not yet attending an education setting.  It involves direct training to parents from a specialist teacher on how to use a specialist resource to enable their child to achieve maximum progression with their learning at this early stage. The specialist  teacher will identify the next step in learning for the individual child and advise on which resource is most appropriate to help the child move forward with their development. 

Tesco has introduced a £5m grant programme, in partnership with Groundwork UK, to give children across the UK a stronger start in life.

We’re so pleased that we can continue to empower parents and help children with Down Syndrome fulfil their potential via Resources into Homes. Thank you Tesco Stronger Starts!

Generous donation from Mike and Steph Whateley

At DS Achieve, we would like to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to Mike and Steph Whateley for their fantastic fundraising by hosting a tea and cake afternoon in their garden.

We have received an incredible £450 donation into our account, of which every penny will go towards our work with families and professionals to enable children and young people with Down Syndrome to fulfil their potential.

We are extremely grateful, thank you!

We welcome our new Operations Manager, Fiona Forster

We are delighted to introduce Fiona as the new day-to-day manager of DS Achieve. Fiona will be responsible for the management of the Charity day-to-day operations, including leading our team and delivery of our services. 

To better meet the demand of our service users and partners, Fiona's core working hours will be 10am-2pm Monday to Friday. This means DS Achieve will now be ‘open’ every day during term time. Fiona will be the main contact point for DS Achieve going forward and will report into Michelle Bolton, Head of Operations.

In addition, Michelle’s role as Head of Operations has now changed to mean she will be more ‘behind the scenes’ going forward (with substantially reduced hours), overseeing Charity Operations and supporting Fiona to deliver DS Achieve’s strategy.

The coming weeks will be spent on handover from Michelle to Fiona, and Fiona getting up to speed on ‘all things DS Achieve’ We very much look forward to introducing her to everyone!

Welcome to the new academic year!

We hope everyone had a wonderful summer and that things go smoothly for those with children starting new schools or going back to school this week. Best of luck to everyone!

A new term at school means a new term for DS Achieve activities and services:

If you would like any more information on any of the services DS Achieve offers, please get in touch! We would love to hear from you: info@dsachieve.org / 07824 467471.

People news

As we approach the end of this academic year, there are some important DS Achieve updates that we would like to share with you.

As a charity, DS Achieve has grown considerably in the last two years and so we have needed to review our people structure to ensure we are continuing to meet the needs of the families and professionals we work with and to deliver the wide ranges of services we now offer. 

As a result, you will see the following changes in our DS Achieve team:

- In September, we are introducing a new role - Operations Manager  - which will be Monday to Friday.  As a charity, this means we will be 'open' and can be contacted five days a week, instead of our current three days a week, to better meet the customer service needs of those we work with.  The Operations Manager will be responsible for delivery of DS Achieve services on a day-to-day basis and will be the main contact point consistently across the week.

- The role of Head of Operations will change.  At her request, Michelle Bolton’s hours will reduce substantially from September and she will be more 'behind the scenes', while maintaining overall responsibility for Charity Operations.

- The role of Operations Coordinator (two days per week) will no longer be required and so Bhavika Bhurtun will leave DS Achieve at the end of this term, on Tuesday 18th July.  Bhav has been a fantastic member of our team and a pleasure to work with.  She will certainly be missed but she remains a firm part of the DS Achieve community and we wish her the very best for her future.

We are also sad to say goodbye to Jo Hansler who has been providing maternity leave cover in the role of Young Achievers Group Leader, while Avril has been away. Jo has done a fantastic job in designing the curriculum and delivering the Young Achievers sessions and we wish her the very best for her future.

We look forward to welcoming Avril Prosser back from her maternity leave in September to resume her role as Young Achievers Group Leader - we are certain the children and young people will give her the warmest of welcomes.

If anyone has any questions about these changes, please contact Michelle Bolton, Head of Operations, on info@dsachieve.org.

Our first radio interview!

When Neil at Mix92.6 got in touch to ask if we would be interested in doing a radio interview for their Parents Show, we were a bit nervous to say the least! BUT… we also recognised what a great opportunity it would be to share what we do for families with children or young people with DS and for the professionals working with them, and how people can get in touch. And that’s what it’s all about!

So our Head of Operations, Michelle, met with Neil to pre-record the discussion, which aired on The Parents Show on 22nd June.

Click here if you’d like to listen.