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Thank you for all your support in 2023!

We are so grateful to all our incredible supporters - the families we work with, our grant funders, our social media followers, and MASSIVE thanks to our employee team, our trustees, our Advisory Teachers and our volunteers - you are all truly AMAZING!

A quick summary of DS Achieve’s achievements in 2023:

  • Our Little Achievers pre-school programme, funded by The National Lottery and delivered by Hannah, Sandra, Rachael and Eve (who joined us in May), supported 20 families over the year.

  • Our Young Achievers programme for school-age children and young people, funded by Children in Need and delivered by Avril (who re-joined us from maternity leave in September), Jo (who provided Avril’s maternity cover), Charlotte N and Charlotte L plus a sizeable volunteer team, have worked with 29 different children with most children returning each term.

  • Our Resources into School service, supported 26 different children in 2023! This combines bespoke Specialist Down Syndrome Advisory Teacher advice to schools and nurseries combined with the delivery of a practical resource or personalised training to help teachers better support individual children with Down Syndrome specific aspects of their learning.

  • Our brand new service, Resources into Homes, was launched this year and has had a total of 11 bookings so far. This is a bespoke service for early years children which provides direct training from a Specialist Down Syndrome Advisory Teacher, to parents, on how to use a specialist resource to enable your child to achieve maximum progression with their learning at this early stage.

  • We're proud to say that our partnership with Hertfordshire Libraries to create volunteering opportunities for young people with Down Syndrome has flourished in 2023. We've delivered (and continue to deliver) specialist training via our Down Syndrome Advisors to a large number of the library staff in Hertfordshire to enable them to fully support young people with Down Syndrome to volunteer, and we now have 5 successful placements underway at libraries around the county.

  • 79 bookings onto our training events during 2023, which included how to ‘Get the Most out of your EHCP Annual Review’, a two part 'What to do when things don't go to plan' EHCP Training Workshop, Dental Care for Children and Young People with Down Syndrome, Supporting Children with Down Syndrome in Education and Supporting Siblings of Children with SEND. Thank you to Helen Long, Tracey Allen, Jigna Patel and the team at Sibs in delivering these courses on our behalf.

  • Our Empowerment Group held two social events (Meet and Eat and Wreath Making) which were attended by a total of 20 parents, and delivered a programme of Facebook Lives which were viewed approx. 250 times over the year.

  • Behind the scenes, we said a fond farewell to Bhav, our wonderful Operations Coordinator, and welcomed in Fiona, our new Operations Manager.

  • In addition to events, we have had huge success with raising awareness, sharing knowledge, information and positivity throughout the year. We’ve issued 16 newsletters to 281 parents and professionals, kept busy on social media and now have 764 followers of our Facebook page, 227 parent carers in our Facebook community group, and kept the website up to date which is now receiving an average of 405 unique visitors each month. We’ve also participated in community events to spread the word about DS Achieve and highlight our range of services, raising awareness and building valuable local relationships.

  • We're now planning to kick off 2024 with a celebration! We’re planning a party for the whole family to celebrate our 5th birthday. It will be held on Sunday 28th January, 2-4pm, and tickets are available now!

THANK YOU all for your support, hard work, funding, cheerleading, Facebook ‘likes’ and all-around love. We are incredibly grateful and we are looking forward to carrying on delivering these services to you in 2024.

Spring term classes are now open for booking!

Our bookings for next term’s Little Achievers are now open and we’ve had so much fun this past autumn term.

Little Achievers welcomed the return of our fantastic private Occupational Therapist, Lyndsay, from maternity leave. She was blown away by the progression in our families and was excited to meet all the new faces!

We have tried messy play with paint to produce beautiful works of art for the Festival of Light in St Albans and Christmas cards for taking home. We also had not so messy play with shredded paper which went down extremely well!

Every week has been filled with fun, laughter and chat, with many new milestones on display! 

Booking link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/little-achievers-spring-24-tickets-760551709637

Bookings for the Spring term at Young Achievers are also now open, there are two booking links: one for the younger age group and one for the older age group so please check carefully when booking.

Young Achievers have enjoyed a jam-packed autumn term of games, songs and listening activities. We have been focusing on the essential skills for effective communication and attentive listening. We practiced the art of joint attention through the attention autism bucket and turned our listening ears on with sound bingo.

We each made a paper plate portrait to develop our self awareness and created musical shakers to help follow instructions to music. We have enjoyed playing parachute games, listening stories, obstacle courses, and a wealth of turn taking and social games, like giant snakes and ladders and volleyball.

It has been a brilliant 10 weeks of building friendships, celebrating our successes and practising pro-social behaviours. To wrap up the term on a festive note, each child and young person received a well-deserved certificate, a well-done gift, and enjoyed a Christmas themed karaoke party.

Booking link for the Younger Age Group: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/young-achievers-social-skills-group-yr-r-to-yr-6-spring-24-tickets-760561127807?

Booking link for the Older Age Group: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/young-achievers-social-skills-group-yr-7-to-yr-1213-spring-24-tickets-763876042807?

Trustee News

We’re delighted to welcome Tina Guagenti-Birkin as the newest Trustee to join our Trustee team.

To find out more about Tina and the rest of our Trustees, check out our ‘About Us’ section: https://dsachieve.org/our-trustees.

As we welcome Tina, we'd also like to take a moment to say a big thank you to Anna Crispin. After two years as a Trustee, Anna is stepping down from her role, her expertise and knowledge of the education sector have been an invaluable asset to our team.

Welcome to the trustee team, Tina and thank you, Anna!

‘My Voice’ - Volunteering Opportunities for Young People

'My Voice' is a two-year project which provides opportunities for young people aged 14-24 years old to join the Hertfordshire Libraries youth volunteer network in libraries across the county.

We are delighted to let you know that we have delivered (and continue to deliver) specialist training via our DS Advisors to a large number of the library staff in Hertfordshire to enable them to support volunteers with Down Syndrome. The majority of Hertfordshire libraries are now ready and keen to support young people with volunteering opportunities with them.

We have two successful placements currently underway and would love to place some more young people into Hertfordshire libraries. This project provides valuable learning and development opportunities, including life skills and practical work experience.

To find out more and to enquire about a volunteering placement, visit our page For Young People.

Resources into Homes - Language & Reading this Autumn

Following on from the successful launch of the Resources into Homes service last term, we’re pleased let you know that the topic for this Autumn term is Language and Reading.

Resources into Homes offers:

  • an assessment of your child’s developmental stage in the topic based on information you provide

  • a recommendation for a specialist resource (which DS Achieve will buy for you if you are in receipt of income-related benefits)

  • direct training from a Specialist DS Teacher to parents on how to use the recommended resource to enable your child to achieve maximum progression with their learning in their Early Years

For more information and to apply for our Resources into Homes service, visit our page on services for Early Years children here: For Early Years children (0-5 years) — Empowering Families, Fulfilling Potential. (dsachieve.org)

We are looking for volunteers to help at Young Achievers

We are looking for volunteers for our Young Achievers programme, working directly with children and young people with Down Syndrome.

Young Achievers runs weekly on a Saturday afternoon, during term time only. You don’t need to be there every week - just let us know what works for you.

No experience required - just enthusiasm and enjoyment from working with children.

Training and support will be given. Volunteers need to be 16 or over.

We are delighted to have received £1000 of grant funding from the Tesco Stronger Starts scheme

This grant will help to fund the DS Achieve Resources into Homes service until September 2024.

Our Resources into Homes service is for families with early years children with Down Syndrome who are not yet attending an education setting.  It involves direct training to parents from a specialist teacher on how to use a specialist resource to enable their child to achieve maximum progression with their learning at this early stage. The specialist  teacher will identify the next step in learning for the individual child and advise on which resource is most appropriate to help the child move forward with their development. 

Tesco has introduced a £5m grant programme, in partnership with Groundwork UK, to give children across the UK a stronger start in life.

We’re so pleased that we can continue to empower parents and help children with Down Syndrome fulfil their potential via Resources into Homes. Thank you Tesco Stronger Starts!

Generous donation from Mike and Steph Whateley

At DS Achieve, we would like to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to Mike and Steph Whateley for their fantastic fundraising by hosting a tea and cake afternoon in their garden.

We have received an incredible £450 donation into our account, of which every penny will go towards our work with families and professionals to enable children and young people with Down Syndrome to fulfil their potential.

We are extremely grateful, thank you!

We welcome our new Operations Manager, Fiona Forster

We are delighted to introduce Fiona as the new day-to-day manager of DS Achieve. Fiona will be responsible for the management of the Charity day-to-day operations, including leading our team and delivery of our services. 

To better meet the demand of our service users and partners, Fiona's core working hours will be 10am-2pm Monday to Friday. This means DS Achieve will now be ‘open’ every day during term time. Fiona will be the main contact point for DS Achieve going forward and will report into Michelle Bolton, Head of Operations.

In addition, Michelle’s role as Head of Operations has now changed to mean she will be more ‘behind the scenes’ going forward (with substantially reduced hours), overseeing Charity Operations and supporting Fiona to deliver DS Achieve’s strategy.

The coming weeks will be spent on handover from Michelle to Fiona, and Fiona getting up to speed on ‘all things DS Achieve’ We very much look forward to introducing her to everyone!

Welcome to the new academic year!

We hope everyone had a wonderful summer and that things go smoothly for those with children starting new schools or going back to school this week. Best of luck to everyone!

A new term at school means a new term for DS Achieve activities and services:

If you would like any more information on any of the services DS Achieve offers, please get in touch! We would love to hear from you: info@dsachieve.org / 07824 467471.