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New Physio Information Sheets!

At our Little Achievers group, we work closely with a private Physiotherapist called Helena Palmer who visits each term to chat with parents about their children with Down Syndrome and to give guidance and advice.

After this term's appointments (online), we asked Helena to produce some information sheets on the areas she is asked about the most and that we felt would be most useful to the families we work with.

The two topics are:

1) Feet and Footwear for children with DS, and

2) Muscle Tone and Strength in children with DS.

We have uploaded both these information sheets in the 'files' section of our Community Chat group on Facebook. We hope they are helpful!

Click HERE to view the information sheets. (NB To join the DS Achieve Community Chat group, you must be a parent/carer of a child with Down Syndrome and live in Hertfordshire or the surrounding areas).